
Boating Classes at the Boat Yard July 15, 2021

Earlier this season, we sent out a “Boating Activities Poll” and we were excited and appreciative at all the responses you submitted! Thank you to all those who took the time to respond and let us know what your boating season looks like. We are still finalizing a few things, but we wanted to let you know where we are in process.

There will be four (4) ‘Classes’ available to those who boat at Fay’s Boat Yard. And we want any boater (husband and/or wife) to consider coming to one or more of them! Young adults over the age of 16 are also welcome. Class size will be limited to 10 people per class and advanced sign-up is required. See below for more information as to times and dates.

First – “How to Read a Chart 101” – In this class we will take a look at the various charts of Lake Winnipesaukee and through a power-point presentation, give some differences between them. Also planned is a discussion on what the various buoys indicate, what sort of warning signs are on the Lake (for boaters), and by the end of the class you should have some basic knowledge of charting on Lake Winnipesaukee.

Second – “Knot Tying” – How do you secure your boat to a dock? And more! Do you know how to tie a square knot, a clove hitch, a cleat knot, a bowline, a taught-line hitch, or two half-hitches?? By the end of this class, you will!! And, you get to keep the line to practice with afterwards.

Third – “Ladies at the Helm” – Sorry guys, this is for the ladies only! A brief classroom time, discussing boat operation and handling, and then, courtesy of Fay’s Boat Yard, we’ll go out on a pontoon boat for some practical work (weather permitting). After that, if you’re interested in further instruction, arrangements can be made with a qualified instructor for individual lessons on your own boat.

Fourth – “Docking 101” – This ‘class’ will be held only by appointment because it will be done on your own boat with a qualified staff member or member of the United States Power Squadrons. There is a small fee for the instructor’s time.

We want the classes to be fun and educational, so we’re limiting them to 10 people per class, and the classes will generally last about 2 hours each.

Here’s the proposed schedule (subject to change due to demand): 

Saturday, July 17 from 10 AM to 12 Noon – Knot Tying

Saturday, July 17 from 2 PM to 4 PM – How to Read a Chart 101

Sunday, July 18 from 10 AM to 12 Noon – How to Read a Chart 101

Sunday, July 18 from 2 PM to 4 PM – Ladies at the Helm

Monday, July 19 from 10 AM to 12 Noon – Ladies at the Helm

Monday, July 19 from 2 PM to 4 PM – Knot Tying

Saturday, July 31 from 10 AM to 12 Noon – Ladies at the Helm

Saturday, July 31 from 2 PM to 4 PM – Ladies at the Helm

Sunday, August 1 from 10 AM to 12 Noon – Knot Tying

Sunday, August 1 from 2 PM to 4 PM – How to Read a Chart 101

Monday, August 2 from 10 AM to 12 Noon – How to Read a Chart 101

Monday, August 2 from 2 PM to 4 PM – Knot Tying

Again, “Docking 101” will be held by individual appointment only.

Hope you’ll take part in one or more of these classes here at Fay’s Boat Yard. We want to have safe and knowledgeable boaters who boat at Fay’s!

To register for one of the above classes please call 603-293-8000 or email Linda@faysboatyard.com

Boater’s Certificate

By the way, if you don’t have your Boater’s Certificate (yet) NOW is the time to get it. We have a USPS Certified Instructor here at Fay’s who will hold a class, if there are enough folks (10 or more) to justify it. If you have a child (or a grandchild) who is 15 years of age or older and who does not have their Boater’s Certificate, now’s your chance to help them get theirs. This is a United States Power Squadron certified course and exceeds the requirements for the NH Boating Certificate. There is a fee (less than what the State of NH charges) and a discount available to two people sharing the same book. 

Contact Linda for more information at Linda@faysboatyard.com

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